Appendix A1: Application of VLF in Nonlinear Power system Stabilization

Consider the following smooth nonlinear large-scale system (ΣN), which consists of N affine nonlinear subsystems such as:



where xiRnuiRmdiRq and yRp xiui and yi are the state vector, the input, and the output of each subsystem, respectively. fi(xi), gi(xi), Zi(xi), and hi(x) are smooth functions with appropriate dimensions and diis the disturbance. It is assumed that fi(x0i) = 0, hi(x0) = 0 and zi(x0i) = 0.

Defining the system states, inputs, outputs, and disturbances as follows:

x=[x1x2 xN]u=[u1u2 uN],y=[y1y2 yN] andd=[d1d2 dN];


the augmented large-scale system model is given by:

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