Chapter 5

Researching Potential Private-Sector Funders


Bullet Opening the door to finding private-sector funding opportunities

Bullet Utilizing grant-research databases

Bullet Adhering to the funder’s criteria

Bullet Prioritizing your potential funder’s list

The earlier chapters in this part focus on grant-making agencies in the public sector. This chapter takes a look at the other segment of funding possibilities: private-sector grant makers. Private-sector funding comes from foundations and corporations. This philanthropic well represents corporate and foundation grant makers whose endowments (the funds that start each giving entity) came from individuals, families, other foundations, and for-profit corporations or businesses.

These funders are plentiful at the local, state, national, and international levels. How do you find foundation and corporate funders and determine what they like to fund? Jump into this chapter to find out.

Finding Foundations and Corporations with Grant-Making Programs

Conducting a thorough Internet search is the best way to find private-sector grant-funding opportunities. ...

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