Chapter 3
Evaluating NoSQL
In This Chapter
Balancing technical requirements
Assessing costs
Maintaining database systems
So you’ve decided you need a NoSQL solution, but there are oh so many options out there. How to decide?
Well, you begin by writing a Request for Information (RFI) and send it to potential suppliers. You’re not a NoSQL expert, but you know what you like! Unfortunately, you also know that the vendors’ responses to all your questions will be, “Yes, we can do that!”
So, your job is to separate the wheat from the chaff, and that’s the purpose of this chapter. My intention is to help you identify the differences among the many options and to make your post-RFI analysis much easier.
The Technical Evaluation
When performing a technical evaluation of products, it’s tempting to create a one-size-fits-all matrix of features and functions against which you evaluate all products.
When assessing NoSQL options, though, this approach rapidly falls apart. NoSQL is too broad a category. With traditional relational database management systems, you can request things like “SQL support” or “Allows modifying the schema without system restart.”
The range of NoSQL databases means one database ...
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