Chapter 7

Key-Value Store Products

In This Chapter

arrow Ensuring data is retrieved as fast as possible

arrow Taking advantage of flash storage speed

arrow Using pluggable storage engines underneath your key-value store

arrow Separating data storage and distribution across a cluster

arrow Handling partitions when networks fail

Some applications require storage of information at high speeds for later analysis or access. Others are all about responding as quickly as possible to requests for data. Whatever your use case, when speed is key, key-value stores reign. Their simple processing and data models adapt to a range of use cases.

You can find many NoSQL key-value stores, each with its own niche. Understanding these niches and the unique benefits of each option is the path to selecting the best solution for your particular business problem.

In this chapter, I introduce the main vendors in the key-value NoSQL database space by describing use cases they are each uniquely useful for. This contrasts against the general ...

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