Chapter 10

Bigtable in the Enterprise

In This Chapter

arrow Protecting your data when a server crashes

arrow Predicting reliability of your database service’s components

arrow Growing your database service as your business grows

Businesses are risk-adverse operations, and mission-critical systems rely on safeguard after safeguard, along with plan B and plan C, in case disaster strikes.

Distributed Bigtable-like databases are no exception, which requires Bigtable enthusiasts to prove that this newfangled way of managing data is reliable for high-speed and mission-critical workloads.

Thankfully, the people working on Bigtable clones are also intimately familiar with how relational database management systems (RDBMS) provide mission-critical data storage. They’ve been busily applying these lessons to Bigtables.

In this chapter, I talk about the issues that large enterprises will encounter when installing, configuring, and maintaining a mission-critical Bigtable database service.

Managing Multiple Data Centers

If all goes horribly, horribly wrong — or someone accidentally turns off all the lights in a city — you’ll need an entire backup data center, which is referred to as a disaster recovery site.

In this ...

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