

ADCs, see Analogue-digital-converters (ADCs)

Addressing methods and control electronics, mirasol

colour pixel structure, 111

conventional drive method, 112113

drive voltage adjustment, 114116

IMOD pixel response, 112

low-power drive method, 113114

sub-pixels, 111

system configuration, 116

AI, see Avian influenza (AI)

AIa, see AI antigen (AIa)

AI antibody (anti-AI)

immobilization, 432

SBP-AIa, 429432

AI antigen (AIa)

and antibody, 429, 433

immobilization, SBP, 432

SBP anti-AI, 430, 431, 432

AMA, see Analogue micromirror array (AMA)

Aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES), 421

AMR effect, see Anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) effect

Analogue-digital-converters (ADCs)

application, 425

biomedical systems, 536537

16-bit, 426

and control ...

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