

A-conjugate 497
A-norm 275, 497
absolute error 150
adaptive procedure 314
adjacency matrix 13
adjoint 63, 71
algorithm 163
backward stable 185
Big-O notation 167
Cholesky decomposition 271
colon notation 214
computing the Givens parameters 358
cubic 167
forward stable 186
Frobenius norm 164
Givens QR decomposition 360
Gram-Schmidt 282
implicit QR 409
inner product 164
inner product of two vectors 164
iterative improvement 229
linear 167
LU decomposition 214
LU decomposition of a tridiagonal matrix 264
LU decomposition without a zero on the diagonal 216
modified Gram-Schmidt 285
product of a Givens matrix with a general matrix 356
product of two matrices 164
pseudocode 163
quadratic 167
recursion stopping condition 459
solve AX = B ...

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