am or pm (time) 102
anchor 70
anchor frames 69
anim:animate 176
anim:par 176
anim:seq 176
animated text, in presentation 174
animations, SMIL 175
arc 140
Archive::Zip::MemberRead 20
arrows on lines 131
Asian characters 43
attribute 229
automatic styles 36
axes in chart 194
axes, XPath 241
background color 37
background images 74
bar charts 193
basic shapes in drawings 134
Bézier curves 141
bidirectional text 49
bitmap fill 138
body information, tables 82
bold 37
borders 41
bounding box 140
bounding box, circle/ellipse 139
break, page 48
break, section 48
brightness 73
bulleted lists 53
callout 144
capitalization 37
categories, chart 187
cell names 106
cell styles 103
cell styles, tables 82
cell, formula 106
cell, numeric content 104
cell, range 106
cell, string content 104
cells, merged 83
cells, merged in spreadsheets 107
centered text 40
changes, tracking 77
character encodings, XML 233
character layout, Asian 43
character references, XML 232
character styles 36
characters 29
characters, complex text 43
chart axes 194
chart grid 194
chart in drawing 190
chart in spreadsheet 190
chart position in spreadsheet 190
chart terminology 187
chart:axis 194
chart:chart 191
chart:class 192
chart:data-label-number 193
chart:data-label-text 193
chart:data-point 196
chart:data-source-has-labels 192
chart:display-label 195
chart:grid 196
chart:label-arrangement 195
chart:legend 192
chart:lines 193
chart:logarithmic 195
chart:plot-area 192
chart:series 196
chart:series-source ...
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