List of Listings
Chapter 1. Programming with objects: A primer
Listing 1.1. A minimum viable class
Listing 1.2. Calling a method on an instance
Listing 1.3. Defining a static method
Listing 1.4. Defining a constructor method
Listing 1.5. Throwing an exception inside the constructor
Listing 1.6. Defining a static factory method
Listing 1.7. Defining properties and assigning values
Listing 1.8. Defining constants
Listing 1.9. Adding a constructor argument
Listing 1.10. Defining and using a public property
Listing 1.11. Accessing another instance’s private property
Listing 1.12. Mutable vs. immutable objects
Listing 1.13. An object’s behaviors are defined as public methods
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