Chapter 4, Objects

Lets solve the following exercises:


  1. What happens here? What is this and what's o?
            function F() { 
              function C() { 
                return this; 
              return C(); 
            var o = new F(); 

    Here, this === window because C() was called without new.

    Also o === window because new F() returns the object returned by C(), which is this, and this is window.

    You can make the call to C() a constructor call:

            function F() { 
              function C() { 
                return this; 
              return new C(); 
            var o = new F(); 

    Here, this is the object created by the C() constructor. So is o:


    It becomes more interesting with ES5's strict mode. In the strict mode, non-constructor invocations result in this being undefined, not the global object. With "use strict" inside F() or ...

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