3.8. Delegates and Events

You have seen several ways that classes can establish a rapport with one another. A derived class can converse with its parent through Protected methods and a nonderived class can use the Public or Friend (if in the same assembly) methods.

You might have noticed that this level of communication implies a priori knowledge of the classes involved; all classes and their methods are known at compile time. Therefore the lines of communication are drawn, hardcoded into the mix.

Consider the following piece of code:

Public Class Log
    Public Sub Write(ByVal msg As String)
        #If Debug Then
        #End If
    End Sub
End Class

You can imagine that this simple class provides basic debugging capabilities for some application. As you can see, it is wired to write a message to the console. Not very accommodating, is it? What if you wanted to write the message to a text file or database or send it to a remote debugging console? Or worse yet, what if you moved the class to a Windows executable? There wouldn't be a console window anymore.

You could go into the class and add new methods for each scenario, but that wouldn't help much if calls to Log.Write were already scattered throughout your object model. You could always rewrite Log.Write every time you wanted to send the message to a different location, but that's not too practical either. OOP involves code reuse, not code rewrite. That wouldn't exactly lead to a class that you could share with your friends ...

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