Binding, Polymorphismand Virtual Functions

CHAPTEROUTLINE —•    12.1 Introduction
—•    12.2 Binding in C++
—•    12.3 Pointer to Derived Class Objects
—•    12.4 Virtual Functions
—•    12.5 Rules for Virtual Functions
—•    12.6 Array of Pointers
—•    12.7 Pure Virtual Functions
—•    12.8 Abstract Classes
—•    12.9 Working of Virtual Functions
—•  12.10 Virtual Functions in Derived Classes
—•  12.11 Object Slicing
—•  12.12 Constructors and Virtual Functions
—•  12.13 Virtual Destructors
—•  12.14 Destructors and Virtual Functions


This topic is absolutely new and those who are new to object-oriented programming, must study this chapter in detail. An attempt has been made to illustrate ...

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