Can a function call itself? You bet! We call that recursion. There is a notoriously dull song called “99 Bottles of Beer.” Create a new C Command Line Tool named BeerSong. Open main.c and add a function to write out the words to this song and then kick it off in main():
#include <stdio.h> void singSongFor(int numberOfBottles) { if (numberOfBottles == 0) { printf("There are simply no more bottles of beer on the wall.\n\n"); } else { printf("%d bottles of beer on the wall. %d bottles of beer.\n", numberOfBottles, numberOfBottles); int oneFewer = numberOfBottles - 1; printf("Take one down, pass it around, %d bottles of beer on the wall.\n\n", oneFewer); singSongFor(oneFewer); // This function calls itself! // Print a message ...
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