9.5. Review Questions

  1. Which of the following components of Oracle architecture stores the statistics gathered by the MMON process?

    1. ADDM

    2. AWR

    3. Data dictionary views

    4. Dynamic performance views

  2. Which of the following options for the PFILE/SPFILE parameter STATISTICS_LEVEL turns off AWR statistics gathering and ADDM advisory services?

    1. OFF

    2. TYPICAL

    3. ALL

    4. BASIC

  3. The following graphic is from the Sessions: Waiting And Working section of the EM Database Control Performance screen. Using this output, which of the following is the primary source of user wait activity?

    1. CPU Used

    2. User I/O

    3. System I/O

    4. Configuration

  4. The following graphic shows the SQL statements that are having ...

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