Setting up the configuration file

Adding the --save option when starting an Odoo server saves the configuration used in the ~/.odoorc file. We can use this file as a starting point for our server configuration, which will be stored at /etc/odoo, as shown in the following code:

$ sudo su -c "~/odoo-12/odoo-bin -d odoo-prod" \" --db-filter='^odoo-prod$' --without-demo=all" \" -i base --save --stop-after-init" odoo

This code will also contain the configuration parameters to be used by our server instance.

The former .openerp_serverrc configuration file is still supported and is used if found. This can cause some confusion when setting up Odoo 10 or later in a machine that was also used to run older Odoo versions. In this case, you may ...

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