Navigating Records in a Datasheet

Wanting to make changes to records after you’ve entered them is not unusual. You may want to change records for several reasons:

  • You receive new information that changes existing values.

  • You discover errors in existing values.

  • You need to add new records.

When you decide to edit data in a table, the first step is to open the table—if it isn’t already open. From the list of tables in the Navigation pane, double-click on tblProducts to open it in Datasheet View. If you’re already in Design View for this table, click the Datasheet View button to switch views.

When you open a datasheet in Access that has related tables, a column with a plus sign (+) is added to access the related records, or sub-datasheets.

Moving between records

You can move to any record by scrolling through the records and positioning your cursor on the desired one. With a large table, scrolling through all the records might take a while, so you’ll want to use other methods to get to specific records quickly.

Use the vertical scroll bar to move between records. The scroll-bar arrows move one record at a time. To move through many records at a time, drag the scroll box or click the areas between the scroll box and the scroll-bar arrows.


Watch the ScrollTips when you use scroll bars to move to another area of the datasheet. Access does not update the record number box until you click a field.

Use the five Navigation buttons to move between records. You simply click these buttons ...

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