Chapter IV.5. Proofing the Presentation

In This Chapter

  • Dispelling spelling errors

  • Collaborating with colleagues

  • Flagging for follow up

Being confident in the content of your presentation goes a long way to easing the worries you might have about being in front of a group. If you know that you rehearsed and proofread everything ahead of time, you feel and look authoritative and poised, and your audience is friendly and receptive. After all, they came to hear about your subject matter, and you'll have no trouble delivering content to meet their expectations. The information in this chapter can help you avoid making obvious mistakes, such as spelling errors, and helps you collaborate with others involved in the presentation.

Banishing Spelling Mistakes

PowerPoint uses the same spelling tools as Microsoft Word, which means that you get the most powerful word-processing tools right in PowerPoint. It's also important to know that when you're working in PowerPoint, at times, you work outside the reach of the spell checker. We try to steer you the right way, and we remind you that there's a dictionary, thesaurus, and language translation tools right in the Toolbox in the Reference Tools pane.


Nothing advertises ineptitude more than a spelling mistake in 44-point Helvetica projected on a large screen. Oops!

Setting spelling preferences

By default, spelling and grammar settings are turned on. You can adjust the settings by choosing PowerPoint

Figure IV.5.1. Setting the spelling preferences. ...

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