This book is for users of the Office Web Apps, the online versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote. Respectively, these applications are called Word Web App, Excel Web App, PowerPoint Web App, and OneNote Web App.
Anyone can use the Office Web Apps. You don't have to pay a fee or even install Office 2010 software on your computer. All you need is an Internet connection and an account with Windows Live. Moreover, users of the Office Web Apps can collaborate online with one another to create Word documents, Excel worksheets, PowerPoint presentations, and OneNote notebooks. As long as both of you are connected to the Internet, you and a colleague can work together even if one of you is in Maine and the other is in Arizona.
I show you everything you need to make the most of the Office Web Apps in this book. On the way, you have a laugh or two. No matter how much or how little skill you bring to the table, this book will make you a better, more proficient, more confident user of the Office Web Apps.
What's in This Book, Anyway?
This book is your guide to making the most of the Office Web Apps. It's jam-packed with how-to's, advice, shortcuts, and tips. Here's a bare outline of the seven parts of this book:
Part I: Getting Acquainted with the Office Web Apps: Introduces the Office Web Apps, explains how to sign up to use them, and shows how to create files with them. You also discover how to make your browser work with the Office Web Apps, do tasks that are common to all ...
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