Chapter 2

Refining a Publication


Bullet Entering and editing text

Bullet Making text fit in frames

Bullet Wrapping text around frames and graphics

Bullet Putting graphics in a publication

This chapter picks up where the previous chapter left off. In Chapter 1 of this minibook, you discover how to create a publication, find your way around the screen, and use the different guides. In this chapter, you explore how to make a publication your own. This chapter offers speed techniques for entering and editing text. It explains how to handle frames, make text “flow” from frame to frame, and put graphics and other kinds of art in a publication. Bon voyage!

Entering Text on the Pages

The placeholder text that appears in publication designs has to go, of course. One of your first tasks is to replace the placeholder text with your own words. If you’re putting together a sign or greeting card, you have only a handful of words to write, and you can write them in Publisher. But if you’re working on a story (story is Publisher’s term for an article that reaches across several text frames), the easiest ...

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