Chapter 11Getting into Word Online


Finding out how Word Online differs from the regular Word

Wrapping your head around some of the basic features of Word Online

Exploring some of the advanced features of Word Online, such as styles and tables

With the release of Office 365, an updated version of Word is available that runs as a web application in your web browser. This development may not sound very spectacular, but it has some nifty benefits that we explore in this chapter.

In this chapter, we explore some of the basic concepts of Word Online, such as using the web interface to create, read, edit, and delete documents. We also look at some of the advanced features of Word Online, including working with styles and tables.

Comparing Word Online and Word

Unless you have been living under a rock, you have probably used or heard of a program called Microsoft Word. Word is an aptly named word processing application. In fact, I am writing this text with Word (and looking out at the Seattle sunshine this afternoon). Word is a thick client, meaning that you run it from your local computer. In Windows 10, you click Start and then All Apps and you click Word to fire up the program. Word then runs on your computer. A web-based application, on the other hand, runs on a computer in a data center, and you access it over the Internet. If you use or Gmail for email or browse a web page, then you are using a web application. You access a web application by using a ...

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