Chapter 15. Interdomain Trust Relationships
Samba-3 supports NT4-style domain trust relationships. This is a feature that many sites will want to use if they migrate to Samba-3 from an NT4-style domain and do not want to adopt Active Directory or an LDAP-based authentication backend. This section explains some background information regarding trust relationships and how to create them. It is now possible for Samba-3 to trust NT4 (and vice versa), as well as to create Samba-to-Samba trusts.
Features and Benefits
Samba-3 can participate in Samba-to-Samba as well as in Samba-to-MS Windows NT4-style trust relationships. This imparts to Samba similar scalability as with MS Windows NT4.
Given that Samba-3 has the capability to function with a scalable ...
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