
AGLAbove ground level
AMDActive mass damper
ANSYS®ANSYS® finite element analysis (FEA) package
AOAAngle of attack
AWEAAmerican Wind Energy Association
AZAtmospheric corrosion zone
BEMTBeam element momentum theory
BOSBalance of station
CACorrosion allowance
CAD/CAMComputer-aided design/manufacturing
CAEComputer-aided engineering
CFDComputational fluid dynamics
CMCenter of mass
CODCo-directional wave and wind
CPCathodic protection
CPSCorrosion protection system
CVACertification and verification agency
DAFDynamic amplification factor
DELDamage equivalent load
DESDamage equivalent stress
DLCDesign load case
Table Continued
DOFDegree of freedom
ECDExtreme coherent gust with direction change
ECMExtreme ...

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