Chapter 11

Holding OKRs Review Meetings


Bullet Determining the best times to meet for OKRs reviews

Bullet Maximizing the quality of time spent in meetings

Bullet Optimizing the learning power of OKRs

In 1860, Prussian Ambassador Otto von Bismarck visited the court of Czar Alexander II, during which they strolled the grounds and came across a sentry standing guard in a very isolated area of the palace lawn. Perplexed, Bismarck asked the czar why the sentry was on duty in such a secluded place. The czar didn’t know, so he went to his aide-de-camp and then others until someone finally revealed that it was ancient custom, though no one knew why. More inquiry finally revealed that 80 years earlier, Catherine the Great had dictated that a sentry always be posted on that spot of lawn. It seems that after a long, hard Russian winter, she had looked out her window and gazed upon the first spring flower prodding its way through the frozen soil. The sentry was to stand guard and prevent anyone from picking the beautiful reminder of the change of seasons. Eighty years later, the sentry remained (well, maybe not the same sentry), a memorial to a single flower and to an unchallenged custom ...

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