One-Piece Flow vs. Batching

Book description

An introduction to three types of interactive media - computer conferencing, audiographics and video conferencing - which explains how each type can be used in the open learning environment. It describes attributes and limitations, analyzing appropriate applications through case studies.

Table of contents

  1. Front Cover
  2. Endorsements (1/2)
  3. Endorsements (2/2)
  4. Contents (1/2)
  5. Contents (2/2)
  6. Foreword
  7. Preface
  8. Acknowledgments
  9. Authors (1/2)
  10. Authors (2/2)
  11. Chapter 1: The Silent Productivity Killer (1/2)
  12. Chapter 1: The Silent Productivity Killer (2/2)
  13. Chapter 2: Who Batches … and What’s the Big Deal If It’s “Me?” (1/2)
  14. Chapter 2: Who Batches … and What’s the Big Deal If It’s “Me?” (2/2)
  15. Chapter 3: Types of Batching (1/4)
  16. Chapter 3: Types of Batching (2/4)
  17. Chapter 3: Types of Batching (3/4)
  18. Chapter 3: Types of Batching (4/4)
  19. Chapter 4: I’m Going to Need a Few More Examples (1/2)
  20. Chapter 4: I’m Going to Need a Few More Examples (2/2)
  21. Chapter 5: Let’s Get into This a Little Deeper, Shall We? (1/7)
  22. Chapter 5: Let’s Get into This a Little Deeper, Shall We? (2/7)
  23. Chapter 5: Let’s Get into This a Little Deeper, Shall We? (3/7)
  24. Chapter 5: Let’s Get into This a Little Deeper, Shall We? (4/7)
  25. Chapter 5: Let’s Get into This a Little Deeper, Shall We? (5/7)
  26. Chapter 5: Let’s Get into This a Little Deeper, Shall We? (6/7)
  27. Chapter 5: Let’s Get into This a Little Deeper, Shall We? (7/7)
  28. Chapter 6: The Eight Root Causes of Batching (1/4)
  29. Chapter 6: The Eight Root Causes of Batching (2/4)
  30. Chapter 6: The Eight Root Causes of Batching (3/4)
  31. Chapter 6: The Eight Root Causes of Batching (4/4)
  32. Chapter 7: The Eight Root Causes of Batching Continued … (1/6)
  33. Chapter 7: The Eight Root Causes of Batching Continued … (2/6)
  34. Chapter 7: The Eight Root Causes of Batching Continued … (3/6)
  35. Chapter 7: The Eight Root Causes of Batching Continued … (4/6)
  36. Chapter 7: The Eight Root Causes of Batching Continued … (5/6)
  37. Chapter 7: The Eight Root Causes of Batching Continued … (6/6)
  38. Chapter 8: What Problems Come with the Batching Paradox? (1/2)
  39. Chapter 8: What Problems Come with the Batching Paradox? (2/2)
  40. Chapter 9: Light Shined on the Hidden Costs of Batching (1/4)
  41. Chapter 9: Light Shined on the Hidden Costs of Batching (2/4)
  42. Chapter 9: Light Shined on the Hidden Costs of Batching (3/4)
  43. Chapter 9: Light Shined on the Hidden Costs of Batching (4/4)
  44. Chapter 10: Which Came First, Batching or the Eight Wastes? (1/2)
  45. Chapter 10: Which Came First, Batching or the Eight Wastes? (2/2)
  46. Chapter 11: Debunking the Myths (1/3)
  47. Chapter 11: Debunking the Myths (2/3)
  48. Chapter 11: Debunking the Myths (3/3)
  49. Chapter 12: Batching vs. One-Piece Flow (1/6)
  50. Chapter 12: Batching vs. One-Piece Flow (2/6)
  51. Chapter 12: Batching vs. One-Piece Flow (3/6)
  52. Chapter 12: Batching vs. One-Piece Flow (4/6)
  53. Chapter 12: Batching vs. One-Piece Flow (5/6)
  54. Chapter 12: Batching vs. One-Piece Flow (6/6)
  55. Chapter 13: Are You Ready for One-Piece Flow? (1/4)
  56. Chapter 13: Are You Ready for One-Piece Flow? (2/4)
  57. Chapter 13: Are You Ready for One-Piece Flow? (3/4)
  58. Chapter 13: Are You Ready for One-Piece Flow? (4/4)
  59. Appendix (1/3)
  60. Appendix (2/3)
  61. Appendix (3/3)
  62. Back Cover

Product information

  • Title: One-Piece Flow vs. Batching
  • Author(s): Charles Protzman, Joe McNamara, Dan Protzman
  • Release date: July 2017
  • Publisher(s): Productivity Press
  • ISBN: 9781498726955