Chapter 16

Finishing and Submitting Your Assignments


Bullet Reading and interpreting grading criteria to your advantage

Bullet Writing for the best grade

Bullet Understanding the variety of possible assignments

Bullet Turning it all in

From earlier chapters in this book, you know the drill: how to log in, who’s in class, and how and why you should communicate clearly with everyone else. But how do you get a grade? You’re not there just to have fun and converse with strangers, are you?

Instructors have several methods of determining how you’re doing in class. They may assign papers or projects or ask you to take a quiz or test. Some determine how you’re doing on a weekly basis by way of your participation in discussions. Hopefully, your class will utilize all these methods!

With technology, getting work to your instructor may require taking a couple of extra steps or following different procedures than the traditional classroom environment. This chapter walks you through the basics of getting your assignments turned in so that you can get the grade. After all, if you do the work, you deserve ...

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