
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.


A307 bolts, 222, 242
A325 bolts, 222, 222
A449 bolts, 222
A490 bolts, 222, 222, 222
A-Hardwood, self-weight of, 16t
AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings, 146
Alkali-silica reaction, 395
Allowable deflection, 199–205
Allowable stress design (ASD), 66
tension member for, 185
American Portland Cement Association, 174
Anchor bolt design, 238–252
anchor bolt plate design, 240–242
anchor bolt projection, 243–247
edge distance, 244–246
embedment depth, 247
anchor bolts, 84, 116–117, 239, 241f
materials and properties, 239t
nut specifications, 239t
plate design, 240–242
types of, 244t, 245f, 245f, 246f
anchor bolt strength design, 248–250

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