3.8. Resources


[Aulds 00] Aulds, Charles. Linux Apache Web Server Administration (Linux Library).

[Engelschall 01] Engelschall, Ralf S. Apache Desktop Reference.

[Hatch+ 02] Hatch, Brian, James Lee, and George Kurtz. Hacking Linux Exposed, Second Edition.

[Laurie+ 02] Laurie, Ben, Peter Laurie, and Robert Denn (editors). Apache: The Definitive Guide.

[Stein 97] Stein, Lincoln D. How to Set Up and Maintain a Web Site, Second Edition.

[Wainwright 02] Peter, Wainwright. Professional Apache.

HTML Books

[Musciano+ 02] Musciano, Chuck, and Bill Kennedy. HTML and XHTML: The Definitive Guide, Fourth Edition.

[Niederst 02] Niederst, Jennifer. HTML Pocket Reference, Second Edition.

[Raggett+ 97] Raggett, Dave, et al. Raggett on HTML 4, Second ...

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