12.5. Language Syntax
Like the other languages we’ve studied (and most easy-to-use languages), PHP is whitespace-insensitive. Therefore, this statement:
<? $title="PHP is cool";echo "<title> $title </title>"; ?>
might be clearer if written as this:
<? $title = "PHP is cool"; echo "<title> $title </title>"; ?>
Variable names in PHP are case-sensitive—$a is different from $A. Function names (including user-defined functions) are case-insensitive—rose() is equivalent to ROSE() is equivalent to Rose().
As in C, C++, Java, and Perl, statements are terminated by a semicolon. Also as in C, C++, and Java (but not Perl), single-line bodies do not require the curly braces ({}), while multiline bodies do:
<? // one-line bodies do not require the curlies, ...
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