How to do it...

To complete this recipe, perform the following steps:

  1. Import the module:
import cv2
  1. Create the main window and loop over the different trackers:
cv2.namedWindow('frame')for name, tracker in (('KCF', cv2.TrackerKCF_create),                       ('MIL', cv2.TrackerMIL_create),                       ('TLD', cv2.TrackerTLD_create)):    tracker = tracker()    initialized = False
  1. Open the test video file and select an object:
video = cv2.VideoCapture('../data/traffic.mp4')bbox = (878, 266, 1153-878, 475-266)
  1. Track until the video ends or ESC is pressed, and visualize the current tracked object:
    while True:        t0 = time.time()        ok, frame =        if not ok:             break        if initialized:            tracked, bbox = tracker.update(frame)        else:            cv2.imwrite('/tmp/frame.png', frame) tracked ...

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