Using Static Imports

This is the first point where we use the import static directive. We’ll be using this a lot in our code, as this directive helps to greatly reduce verbosity by reducing a call like GLES20.glClear(GLES20.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); to glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);. This makes a big difference when a significant amount of our code is working with OpenGL and other utilities.

Unfortunately, Eclipse doesn’t have great support for static imports. To make things easier, I recommend that you select WindowPreferences and then select JavaEditorContent AssistFavorites and add the following types:

  • android.opengl.GLES20

  • android.opengl.GLUtils

  • android.opengl.Matrix

This will help with autocomplete, but unfortunately it won’t fix ‘Organize ...

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