Building OpenJDK 9 on Windows using MSYS
The Windows operating system has a long history of different tools providing a Unix-like environment. Tools such as Microsoft POSIX subsystem, Interix, Windows Services for UNIX, MKS Toolkit, Cygwin, MinGW/MSYS, and so on, existed during the various periods of Windows history and provided different levels of Unix compliance.
The three latter tools are most relevant to OpenJDK builds. MKS Toolkit was used for internal builds in Sun Microsystems because it provided better speed than Cygwin. Support for MKS Toolkit was discontinued with OpenJDK 7. Cygwin, that we described in detail in Chapter 2, Building OpenJDK 6, was used as the main and only tool to build OpenJDK 7 and 8.
MSYS (short form for minimal system) ...
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