Book description
NoneTable of contents
- Copyright
- Preface
1. Overview
1. Introduction
- 1.1. What Operating Systems Do
- 1.2. Computer-System Organization
- 1.3. Computer-System Architecture
- 1.4. Operating-System Structure
- 1.5. Operating-System Operations
- 1.6. Process Management
- 1.7. Memory Management
- 1.8. Storage Management
- 1.9. Protection and Security
- 1.10. Distributed Systems
- 1.11. Special-Purpose Systems
- 1.12. Computing Environments
- 1.13. Open-Source Operating Systems
- 1.14. Summary
- 1.15. Practice Exercises
- 1.16. Exercises
- 1.17. Bibliographical Notes
2. Operating-System Structures
- 2.1. Operating-System Services
- 2.2. User Operating-System Interface
- 2.3. System Calls
- 2.4. Types of System Calls
- 2.5. System Programs
- 2.6. Operating-System Design and Implementation
- 2.7. Operating-System Structure
- 2.8. Virtual Machines
- 2.9. Operating-System Debugging
- 2.10. Operating-System Generation
- 2.11. System Boot
- 2.12. Summary
- 2.13. Practice Exercises
- 2.14. Exercises
- 2.15. Programming Problems
- 2.16. Programming Projects
- 2.17. Bibliographical Notes
1. Introduction
2. Process Management
3. Processes
- 3.1. Process Concept
- 3.2. Process Scheduling
- 3.3. Operations on Processes
- 3.4. Interprocess Communication
- 3.5. Examples of IPC Systems
- 3.6. Communication in Client–Server Systems
- 3.7. Summary
- 3.8. Practice Exercises
- 3.9. Exercises
- 3.10. Programming Problems
- 3.11. Programming Projects
- 3.12. Bibliographical Notes
- 4. Threads
- 5. CPU Scheduling
6. Process Synchronization
- 6.1. Background
- 6.2. The Critical-Section Problem
- 6.3. Peterson's Solution
- 6.4. Synchronization Hardware
- 6.5. Semaphores
- 6.6. Classic Problems of Synchronization
- 6.7. Monitors
- 6.8. Synchronization Examples
- 6.9. Deadlocks
- 6.10. Summary
- 6.11. Practice Exercises
- 6.12. Exercises
- 6.13. Programming Problems
- 6.14. Programming Projects
- 6.15. Bibliographical Notes
3. Processes
3. Memory Management
- 7. Main Memory
8. Virtual Memory
- 8.1. Background
- 8.2. Demand Paging
- 8.3. Copy-on-Write
- 8.4. Page Replacement
- 8.5. Allocation of Frames
- 8.6. Thrashing
- 8.7. Memory-Mapped Files
- 8.8. Allocating Kernel Memory
- 8.9. Other Considerations
- 8.10. Operating-System Examples
- 8.11. Summary
- 8.12. Practice Exercises
- 8.13. Exercises
- 8.14. Programming Problems
- 8.15. Bibliographical Notes
4. Storage Management
- 9. File-System Interface
- 10. File-System Implementation
- 11. Mass-Storage Structure
- 12. I/O Systems
5. Protection and Security
13. Protection
- 13.1. Goals of Protection
- 13.2. Principles of Protection
- 13.3. Domain of Protection
- 13.4. Access Matrix
- 13.5. Implementation of Access Matrix
- 13.6. Access Control
- 13.7. Revocation of Access Rights
- 13.8. Capability-Based Systems
- 13.9. Summary
- 13.10. Practice Exercises
- 13.11. Exercises
- 13.12. Bibliographical Notes
- 14. Security
13. Protection
6. Case Studies
15. The Linux System
- 15.1. Linux History
- 15.2. Design Principles
- 15.3. Kernel Modules
- 15.4. Process Management
- 15.5. Scheduling
- 15.6. Memory Management
- 15.7. File Systems
- 15.8. Input and Output
- 15.9. Interprocess Communication
- 15.10. Network Structure
- 15.11. Security
- 15.12. Summary
- 15.13. Practice Exercises
- 15.14. Exercises
- 15.15. Bibliographical Notes
16. Windows 7
- 16.1. History
- 16.2. Design Principles
16.3. System Components
- 16.3.1. Hardware-Abstraction Layer
- 16.3.2. Kernel
16.3.3. Executive
- Object Manager
- Virtual Memory Manager
- Process Manager
- Facilities for Client–Server Computing
- I/O Manager
- Cache Manager
- Security Reference Monitor
- Plug-and-Play Manager
- Power Manager
- Registry
- Booting
- 16.4. Terminal Services and Fast User Switching
- 16.5. File System
16.6. Networking
- 16.6.1. Network Interfaces
16.6.2. Protocols
- Server-Message Block
- Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
- Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
- HTTP Protocol
- Web-Distributed Authoring and Versioning Protocol
- Named Pipes
- Remote Procedure Calls
- Component Object Model
- 16.6.3. Redirectors and Servers
- 16.6.4. Domains
- 16.6.5. Active Directory
- 16.7. Programmer Interface
- 16.8. Summary
- 16.9. Practice Exercises
- 16.10. Exercises
- 16.11. Bibliographical Notes
15. The Linux System
Product information
- Title: Operating System Concepts Essentials
- Author(s):
- Release date:
- Publisher(s): Wiley
- ISBN: None
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