28.4. Document representation

An HTML document is a tree of elements, including a head and body which includes headings, paragraphs, lists, etc. Embedded in the document specification is formatting detail such as text justification, the use of bold and italic text, background colour, etc. The coarse structure is:

<HEAD> … the header of the document including its title

<TITLE> Example of HTML </TITLE>


<BODY> … the document including formatting instructions … </BODY>

The body of the document may include, for example:

Paragraphs:<P> … paragraph text … </P>
Headings:<H1> first-level heading </H1> <H2> second-level heading </H2>
Images:<IMG src = “picture.jpeg” width = “200” height = “150”>
Hyperlinks:<A HREF = “http://www.w3.org/” > W3C </A>

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