


Activity, defined, 219

Activity durations, 219

calculating, 223224

Activity-on-arc (AOA), 220

Activity-on-node (AON), 220

Actual cost (AC), 233

Agco Corp., 41

Aggregate inventory value, average (AAIV), 253

Aggregate planning, 320, 357

defined, 320

Aggregate project plan, 208211

Air Canada, 111, 123

Airtel, 299

Alaska Airlines, 111, 299

Amazon, 271

American Airlines, 325

American Express, 111, 123

American Society for Quality, 159

American Standard, 123

Anchor Brewery, 298

ANOVA, 148, 160

Anticipation inventories, defined, 266

Anticyclic output, 305

Apple, Inc., 2, 5, 35, 242243, 245

Applied Materials, 244

Applied research, 17

As-is value stream map, 182, 185

Assembly line, 52

Assemble-to-order, 24, 74, 76, 250

Assignable variation, 103

Auto Industry, 3

Autodesk, 275

Automation, 51, 52

Available seat miles, 301


Backorders, 266

Balanced scorecard, 9798

benefits of, 97

four major areas, 97

Bank of America, 121, 129

Barcoding and scanning, 197, 272

Batch size, 75

and flow, 190

Beer game, 283287

Benchmarking, 99, 133

Best Buy, 244, 245, 255

Beta distribution, 224


of forecast, 363

of measurement system, 148

Big Dig, 205

Binomial distribution, 110

Black and Decker, 39

Black belts, of six sigma, 169

Blue Cross, 323

Blueprinting, 332

Boeing, 39

Bottlenecks, 188, 189, 198, 302, 329, 332

defined, 329

in a sequential process, 329332

Brainstorming, 149151

guidelines, ...

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