Chapter 11
Proofing against Disruption
Understanding major disruptions
Planning for disruption
Moving to Just-in-Case
As Murphy stated, if anything can go wrong it will. Some of these issues can be more devastating than others to your operations. Major disruptions include such things as a global pandemic, earthquakes, and weather-related events. They can have a significant impact up and down your supply chain and can greatly affect your profitability. Although these disruptions have always existed, their impact has increased as companies have become more reliant on a limited supply base centralized in a particular region of the world.
Coping with major disruptions from natural disasters, pandemics, regional trade disputes, and labor stoppages require a number of new approaches. These range from new planning techniques to deliberately “fattening” supply chains with strategic inventory reserves, mapping your supply chain to make it transparent, and improving information technology. Some of these techniques will suit your organization’s operations better than others. However, knowing what they are can help you successfully move to a “Just-in-Case” operations strategy. ...
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