2Electro‐Optic Switches
Arpita Adhikari1, Joydip Sengupta2, and Arijit De3
1 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Techno Main Salt Lake, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
2 Department of Electronic Science, Jogesh Chandra Chaudhuri College, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
3 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Netaji Subhash Engineering College, Kolkata, West Bengal, India (Presently associated with CNES/ ONERA project)
2.1 Introduction
Superfast transmission of large data sets is now needed to cope with the increasing demand for high‐quality audio and video signals in mobile phones, smart TV etc. [1]. Currently, the advanced fiber‐optic communication networks serve as the building blocks of the information superhighway. Reliable routing, fast switching, and errorless detection are the three essential goals that need to be fulfilled to accommodate the huge demands within the purview of fiber‐optic communication technology. One of the indispensable components of fiber‐optic communication is optical switches and, for the current scenario, they need to be reliable, robust, yet inexpensive. A good‐quality optical switch can increase the capacity of optical fiber and reliably distribute optical signals and subsequently reduces the overall cost. Moreover, optical switches can convert or redirect light without any electronic to optical conversions and vice versa. In the electro‐optic effect, the refractive index (RI) of non‐centrosymmetric crystals can ...
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