C.6.1 Exercises

  1.   Multiple choice and true/false: Choose the correct answer for each of the following questions.

1.1.   Given a binary string 1101001100101101 and another binary string yxyyxyxxyyyxyxxy in which the values 0 and 1 are denoted by x and y, what offspring result from applying 1-point crossover on the two strings at a randomly selected recombination point?

   a.  yxxyyyxyxxy11010 and yxyyx01100101101

   b.  11010yxxyyyxyxxy and yxyyx01100101101

   c.  11010yxxyyyxyxxy and 01100101101yxyyx

   d.  None of the above

1.2.   In binary genetic algorithms, how does the bitwise mutation operator work?

   a.  It swaps the positions of two randomly chosen bits.

   b.  It averages the values of two randomly chosen bits.

   c.  It flips ...

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