Guided Random Search Methods
5.1 Introduction
The solution techniques for unconstrained optimization problems that have
been described in earlier chapters invariably use the gradient information
to locate the optimum. Such methods, as we have seen, require the objec-
tive function to be continuous and differentiable, and the optimal solution
depends on the chosen initial conditions. These methods are not efcient in
handling discrete variables and are more likely to stay at a local optimum for
a multimodal objective function. Gradient-based methods often have to be
restarted to ensure that the local optimum reached is indeed the global one.
In this chapter we explore ve different types of solution techniques that
do not require the objective function to be either continuous or differentia-
ble. The solution techniques are
• Genetic algorithms (GAs)
• Particle swarm optimization (PSO)
• Simulated annealing (SA)
• Ant colony optimization (ACO)
• Tabu search
All these methods are based on random searches in locating the optima.
However, these methods are different from pure random walk” methods
in the sense that they use information from the previous iteration in locat-
ing the next best point(s). These methods are hence classied under guided
random search methods. The guided random search techniques can be
subclassied into evolutionary methods. GA and PSO methods fall under
the heading of evolutionary methods. Instead of using a single point in the
search space, both GA and PSO techniques use population of points in the
search space and hence have a better chance of locating the global optima.
The GA technique mimics the biological process (genetics) whereas the PSO
technique is based on the idea of natural phenomena such as birds ocking
together or school of shes moving together. The SA method is based on
140 Optimization: Algorithms and Applications
the physical analogy of the annealing process of a material that is heated to a
high temperature and then slowly cooled in a controlled manner. The prop-
erties of the material get improved through this process. In a similar way,
using the SA technique, the transformation is made from the nonoptimal
solution for an optimized solution. Some other popular methods such as ant
colony optimization and tabu search, which are used for solving combinato-
rial problems, are briey discussed in the last section. The road map of this
chapter is shown in Figure 5.1.
5.2 Genetic Algorithms
Genetic algorithms (GAs) are search algorithms based on the mechanism
of natural selection. They rely on one of the most important principles of
Darwin: survival of the ttest. Globally the population is submitted to many
transformations. After some generations, when the population is enduring
no more, the best individual in the population is assumed to represent the
optimal solution. GA mimics the genetic process in which hereditary char-
acteristics are transmitted from a parent to an offspring. The basic unit of
inheritance is a gene. Several such genes, encoding specic characteristics
(eye color, height, etc.) are present on a chromosome. For example, humans
Guided random search methods
Genetic algorithm
Initialize population
Fitness evaluation
Multimodal test function
Particle swarm optimization
Simulated annealing
Other methods
Ant colony optimization
Tabu search
Road map of Chapter 5.

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