Multiobjective Optimization
7.1 Introduction
In previous chapters, optimization problems with a single objective function
were discussed and these problems were with or without constraints. Typical
single-variable objective functions are cost minimization, efciency maximiza-
tion, weight minimization, and so on. The solution to single-variable optimiza-
tion problems results in a single point in the design space and the corresponding
objective function value at that point gives the minimum value of the function.
In the multiobjective optimization problem, two or more objective func-
tions are to be simultaneously optimized. For example, the criteria in manu-
facturing a product could be cost minimization and efciency maximization.
The general form of a multiobjective optimization problem can be mathe-
matically stated as
(x) k = 1, 2,…, K (7.1)
subject to
(x) ≤ 0 i = 1, 2,…, m < n (7.2)
(x) = 0 j = 1, 2,…, r < n (7.3)
≤ x ≤ x
where x is a vector of n design variables given by
x =
204 Optimization: Algorithms and Applications
The solution to a multiobjective problem results in a number of points
in the objective function space referred to as Pareto optimal solutions. For a
multiobjective problem with two objective functions (the rst function is
efciency maximization and the second function is cost minimization), a
typical Pareto optimal front is shown in Figure 7.1. The rst objective ( f
function “efciency” is along the x-axis of this gure and the y-axis contains
the second objective ( f
) function “cost.” The Pareto optimal front is obtained
using the principle of domination. In this concept, each solution is compared
to check whether it dominates another solution or not.
A solution x
is said to dominate another solution x
if the following condi-
tions are satised
• The solution x
is no worse than x
in all objectives.
• The solution x
is better than x
in at least one objective.
Consider points A and C for domination. Clearly, point C dominates point
A in both the objective functions. However, point C is itself dominated by
at least one of the points in the Pareto optimal front. The points along the
Pareto optimal front are referred to as nondominated solutions. In Figure 7.1,
the Pareto optimal front is convex. However, this front can be concave, par-
tially convex/concave or discontinuous. The trade-off between the objective
functions denes the shape of the Pareto front.
In this chapter, we discuss the methods for obtaining the nondominated
solutions for a multiobjective optimization problem. These methods will be
applied on some well-known test functions. The road map of this chapter
is shown in Figure 7.2. The weighted sum approach, ε-constraint method,
goal programming, and utility function method are explained as the tech-
niques for solving multiobjective problems. In the weighted sum approach,
Pareto optimal front
Nondominated solutions
Pareto optimal front.
205Multiobjective Optimization
different objectives are combined into a single objective function using dif-
ferent weights. This method is simple and easy to implement. However, it
can locate one Pareto point in one optimization run using the gradient-based
method. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique, which works
with a number of solution points, can locate the Pareto front on one single
run. In the ε-constraint method, one objective function is minimized and
remaining objective functions are transformed into constraints which are
to be specied by the user. The transformed problem is then solved using
the gradient-based method. The method can locate the Pareto fronts of the
nonconvex problems. In goal programming, a target is set for each of the
objective functions and the optimizer aims to minimize the deviations from
the set goals. In the utility function method, all the objectives are combined
into a single function which is then solved along with the constraints. In
the last section, shape optimization of a reentry body is carried out that has
two conicting objectives: weight minimization and stability maximization,
along with constraints.
7.2 Weighted Sum Approach
The simplest approach to solve a multiobjective optimization problem is to
combine all the objective functions into a single objective function, which
then can be solved using any of the methods described in previous chap-
ters. Different objective functions can be combined into a single objective
Multiobjective optimization
Weighted sum approach
ε-Constraints method
Goal programming
Utility function method
Road map of Chapter 7.
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