© Steven Flinn 2018
Steven FlinnOptimizing Data-to-Learning-to-Actionhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3531-7_3

3. Data-to-Learning-to-Action

Steven Flinn1 
Brenham, TX, Brenham, Texas, USA

Now that we have defined the basics of the data-to-learning-to-action process, it’s time to dive into the details of its intermediate steps. And while birds do it, we do it, and even educated machines can now do it, our focus, of course, will be on the elements of this universal process that specifically pertain to its execution within organizations.

Elements of the Chain

Figure 3-1 depicts the major elements of data-to-learning-to-action chains operating within organizations. I say “chains” because there will be many different data-to-learning-to-action chains ...

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