Emerging Mirror Technologies

William A. Goodman and Paul R. Yoder Jr.


8.1    Introduction and Summary

8.2    Early Historical Background

8.3    Silicon

8.3.1    Synchrotron Applications

8.3.2    Directed-Energy Weapon Applications

8.4    Silicon Carbide

8.4.1    Sintered Silicon Carbide

8.4.2    Reaction-Bonded Silicon Carbide

8.4.3    Converted Silicon Carbide

8.4.4    Chemical Vapor–Deposited Silicon Carbide

8.5    Future Directions


8.1    Introduction and Summary

A variety of technologies that currently contribute to our collective capabilities in the field of opto-mechanics and that could possibly benefit from further development come to mind

as we ponder the future for that field. The list might include expansion ...

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