Chapter 14
Advanced Features
In This Chapter
Flashing back
Retaining, compressing, and archiving data
Replaying the database
Understanding multitenant and pluggable databases
Oracle RDBMS is an extremely large software package. What makes Oracle one of the best database platforms out there is its rich feature content. This chapter details features that you don’t use on most Oracle enterprises from day to day. Regardless, most DBAs who are new to the sport probably won’t start here; these features are for more advanced administration. We categorize some features as “advanced” because they’re used less frequently and sometimes require a little extra knowledge to configure and use than the day-to-day features.
Also, though not the case with all features in this chapter, advanced components sometimes require extra licensing. We point out where that’s the case — after all, you don’t want to be caught with your pants down in an Oracle audit only to feel we’ve misled you. With that said, if you’re unsure about licensing, you can always call your friendly local Oracle sales rep to ask questions. ...
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