Executing external C programs from PL/SQL

Oracle extends the architectural support to the external programs in C, C++, Java, or the one whose library is interpretable by C. In the external procedure architecture, we saw the processing steps of an external program. Now, we will list the development steps to run a C program from PL/SQL:

  1. Write a C program and compile it.
  2. Copy the C program's code file in the $ORACLE_HOME\bin\ directory. Generate the DLL using a hardware supported native C compiler.


    For demonstration purposes, we will use the MingW (Minimal GNU for Windows) compiler to compile C program and generate the DLLs.

    It can be downloaded from http://www.mingw.org/wiki/Getting_Started.

  3. Configure the Oracle Net service.
  4. Create a PL/SQL library ...

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