XML Standards
Web Consortium, a group of individuals that participate in the
establishment of web-related standards, has created many XML-related
standards, including XML 1.0, XML’s first formal
specification, and more recently, XML Schema. Oracle Application
Server provides support for these established XML standards both in
the database via the
module and in the
application server for web-based applications written in any of the
C or C++ that runs in
Java that runs in OC4J
Web Services
XML Version 1.0 is XML’s first formal specification (recommendation) from the W3C. It defines the syntax used to create a well-formed XML document. In addition, it defines the structure of a DTD, a schema that, in turn, can validate one of its XML document instances.
Oracle Application Server is XML 1.0-compliant, which means that the server’s internal use of XML, along with the tools and APIs it provides, all comply with the XML Version 1.0 recommendation from the W3C.
XML Namespaces
XML Namespaces exist to eliminate potentially ambiguous XML element (tag) names when XML applications are combined to create a new XML application. An XML Namespace associates a URI with a namespace prefix. The prefix is added to an element name in an XML document to maintain the element name’s uniqueness within the document. This qualification becomes necessary when element names from two different XML applications used in another XML application use the same element ...
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