Chapter 17. Deferred Transactions and Remote Procedure Calls
Oracle’s advanced replication option relies primarily on deferred transactions and remote procedure calls (RPCs). When you commit a transaction against a replicated table, for example, the replication support triggers queue a deferred transaction to do your bidding in one or more remote databases. In addition to providing many of the underpinnings for the advanced replication option, the packages used to create and manipulate deferred calls are available for direct use in your applications. You will use the packages described in this chapter for deferred transactions and RPCs.
Performs administrative tasks such as scheduling, executing, and deleting queued transactions.
Builds deferred calls.
Provides access to parameters passed to deferred calls, primarily for diagnostic purposes.
Users must have explicit EXECUTE privileges on DBMS_DEFER in order to create deferred calls.
About Deferred Transactions and RPCs
This section provides some basic information you’ll find useful in using the packages described in this chapter.
About Remote Destinations
Every remote procedure call has to be executed somewhere, and Oracle offers several methods of specifying where.
If you are using the advanced replication option, you have implicitly named the destinations for deferred RPCs and transactions by creating master sites. Whenever a user performs DML on a table, the transaction is applied locally ...
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