absolute (canonical) directories, 31
ACID test, 70–71
atomicity, 71
consistency, 71–73
durability, 72
isolation, 72
actual parameters
cursors, 57
local variables, 29
mixed notation, 138
named notation, 137
pass-by-reference functions, 132–133, 162
pass-by-reference procedures, 173
pass-by-value functions, 131
scalar varrays, 186
structures, 50
Ada language, 6
add_contact procedure, 168–170, 172
Advanced Friendly Interface (AFI), 7
Advanced Friendly Interface Editor buffer, 7, 26
aggregate tables, 8
pipelined functions for, 138, 142
types, 181–182
ALTER TABLE statement, 108
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 82–83
ampersands (&) ...
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