

− (minus), 31

# (pound), 107

% (percent), 40–41

% TYPE, 342, 346

() (parentheses), 34, 168

* (asterisk)

in arithmetic, 31

column retrieval, 29

customers table, 15

metacharacters, 110 / (forward slash)

/ (forward slash)

in arithmetic, 32–34

editing SQL statements, 65–66

PL/SQL statements, 341

SQL directory paths, 10

\ (backward slash), 10

: new attribute, 524–525

; (semicolon), 6, 341

? (question mark), 564

! = (not equal), 38–39

@ filename, 67

_ (underscore), 40–41

|| (concatenation operator), 34

+ (plus)

in arithmetic, 31

outer joins, 51–55

< (less than)

comparing object values, 393

non-equijoins, 50

value comparison, 38–39

<= (less than or equal)

comparing object values, 393

non-equijoins, 50

value comparison, 38–39

<> (not equal) ...

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