© Darl Kuhn and Thomas Kyte 2021
D. Kuhn, T. KyteOracle Database Transactions and Locking Revealedhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6425-6_8

8. Investigating Undo

Darl Kuhn1  and Thomas Kyte2
Morrison, CO, USA
Denver, CO, USA
The Oracle database creates and manages information used to roll back (or undo) changes to the database. The most obvious use of undo is when you issue a ROLLBACK statement to undo changes to data that you don’t want committed. Here is the complete list of uses of undo:
  • Roll back transactions via the ROLLBACK statement

  • Enable read consistency

  • Recover the database

  • Analyze data as of a prior point in time using Oracle Flashback Query

  • Recover from logical corruptions using Oracle Flashback features

In the previous couple of chapters, ...

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