
PROCEDURE DBMS_HS.ALTER_BASE_CAPS (CAP_number IN NUMBER, new_CAP_number IN NUMBER := -1e-130, new_CAP_description IN VARCHAR2 := '-');

Alters the row identified by CAP_number in the HS$_BASE_CAPS table. New with Oracle8i.

PROCEDURE DBMS_HS.ALTER_BASE_DD (DD_table_name IN VARCHAR2, new_DD_table_name IN VARCHAR := '-', new_DD_table_name_descr IN VARCHAR2 := '-');

Alters the row identified by DD_table_name in the HS$_BASE_DD table. New with Oracle8i.

PROCEDURE DBMS_HS.ALTER_CLASS_CAPS (FDS_class_name IN VARCHAR2, CAP_number IN NUMBER, new_FDS_class_name IN VARCHAR2 := '-', new_CAP_number IN NUMBER := -1e-130, new_context IN NUMBER := -1e-130, new_translation IN VARCHAR2 := '-', new_additional_info NUMBER := -1e-130);

Alters the row identified by CAP_number in the HS$_CLASS_CAPS table. New with Oracle8i.

PROCEDURE DBMS_HS.ALTER_CLASS_DD (FDS_class_name IN VARCHAR2, DD_table_name IN VARCHAR2, new_FDS_class_name IN VARCHAR2 := '-', new_DD_table_name IN NUMBER := -1e-130, new_translation_type IN CHAR := '-', new_translation_text IN VARCHAR2 := '-');

Alters the contents of the HS$_CLASS_DD table. New with Oracle8i.

PROCEDURE DBMS_HS.ALTER_CLASS_INIT (FDS_class_name IN VARCHAR2, init_value_name IN VARCHAR2, new_FDS_class_name IN VARCHAR2 := '-', new_init_value_name IN VARCHAR2 := '-', new_init_value IN VARCHAR2 := '-', new_init_value_type IN VARCHAR2 := '-');

Alters the contents of the HS$_CLASS_INIT table. New with Oracle8i.


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