
PROCEDURE DBMS_REPCAT_RGT.ALTER_REFRESH_TEMPLATE (refresh_template_name IN VARCHAR2, new_owner IN VARCHAR2 := '-', new_refresh_group_name IN VARCHAR2 := '-', new_refresh_template_name IN VARCHAR2 := '-', new_template_comment IN VARCHAR2 := '-', new_public_template IN VARCHAR2 := '-', new_last_modified IN DATE := to_date('1', 'J'), new_modified_by IN NUMBER := -1e-130);

Alters refresh_template_name. To keep the same template owner, do not enter a value for new_owner.

PROCEDURE DBMS_REPCAT_RGT.ALTER_TEMPLATE_OBJECT (refresh_template_name IN VARCHAR2, object_name IN VARCHAR2, object_type IN VARCHAR2, new_refresh_template_name IN VARCHAR2 := '-', new_object_name IN VARCHAR2 := '-', new_object_type IN VARCHAR2 := '-', new_ddl_text IN CLOB := '-', new_master_rollback_seg IN VARCHAR2 := '-', [new_last_modified IN DATE := to_date('1', 'J'),]# new_flavor_id IN NUMBER := -1e-130);

Alters object_name of object_type in refresh_template_name. To keep the same refresh template, do not enter a value for refresh_template_name. The new_last_modified parameter is new with Oracle9i.

PROCEDURE DBMS_REPCAT_RGT.ALTER_TEMPLATE_PARM (refresh_template_name IN VARCHAR2, parameter_name IN VARCHAR2, new_refresh_template_name IN VARCHAR2 := '-', new_parameter_name IN VARCHAR2 := '-', new_default_parm_value IN CLOB := NULL, new_prompt_string IN VARCHAR2 := '-', new_user_override IN VARCHAR2 := '-');

Alters parameter_name for refresh_template_name. To keep the same refresh template, do not enter a value ...

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